Fault Plane Profiles (FPP)

A fault plane profile is a cross section, in the plane of the fault, that shows the juxtaposition relationships along the fault plane.  An example from a Gulf Coast field shows sand/sand, sand/shale, and shale/shale juxtapositions.  Some sand/sand juxtapositions will seal; some will leak.  Seal behavior is dependent upon the gouge composition at each point along the fault.

Seal Behavior

Fault plane profiles allow you to infer seal behavior of faults in producing fields and allow you to predict seal behavior and hydrocarbon column heights in untested prospects.  To see some examples of identifying sealing and leaking faults go to SealLeak.

The following two figures show the stratigraphy in the hanging-wall (left) and the stratigraphy in the footwall (right) along Fault W in a Gulf Coast field.  These are a cross section in the plane of the fault.

This is a sample   












In the following fault plane profile both the footwall and hanging-wall stratigraphic cutoffs shown above are superimposed.






For the sake of clarity, the hydrocarbon contacts, depth scale, and reservoir names have been omitted.  This is one of 4 fault plane profiles that make up Fault W and which includes more than 80 separate reservoir intervals.

Each sand/sand juxtaposition has independent seal behavior.  There are more than 200 individual sand/sand juxtapositions along this fault plane.  Some seal.  Some leak.

To see two examples of sealing and leaking juxtapositions SealLeak.

HOME UP FPP Seal/Leak SGR Faults RISKTo see some much more detailed fault plane profiles from producing fields